Know first who you are; then adorn yourself accordingly” -Epictetus
Hello Diva’s! This blog is a fusion of my two loves: Fashion and Reading. Growing up I ALWAYS had my nose in a book and my hands on fabric. People couldn’t figure out if I was a nerd or a snob; ditzy or smart; a GEEK or a DIVA.
Why can’t I be both? Is it an oxymoron? Why do I have to fit into one tiny category to appease others? *insert Kanye shurg*
If you’ve ever asked yourself any of these questions then this is the blog for you. Geeky Fashion Diva is dedicated to Diva’s that are not afraid of breaking the mold, Diva’s that are sick of being categorized, being told who you should and should not be, and most importantly Diva’s that love fashion and love to read. If this sounds like you, then sit back, grab some wine, and enjoy!